Welcome to the GrapPro Launch! Sort of.

Hello and welcome to the GrapPro launch!

I’m Aaron Wrotkowski and I am writing everything for the website.

GrapPro is a love letter to GamePro Magazine but in the form of an online pro wrestling magazine to provide editorial, review, news, and more primarily for All Elite Wrestling fans.

The website has no affiliation to AEW or any other company.

This is not a paywall website. Registering to the website will provide me an email address to send you updates on the website.

If you wish to support the website, you can subscribe to a plan. You can support GrapPro for as little as $1 per month. In doing so, I will send you a weekly newsletter letting you know of what’s going on with the website.

Update for Thursday, August 15, 2024

Well this has been a rough launch.

I was prepared to just say hey guys, the ProReview isn’t ready but everything else is on track and I’ll have some articles going up soon.

And then Facebook decided all of my links are a 403 error and Twitter won’t pull up any meta data. I essentially can’t link out articles properly.

I’ve been going back and forth with my hosting who seem to be convinced all of the errors are on Facebook’s side and I just have to be patient. I don’t have time to be patient.

This has thrown a considerable wrench in the work I planned to have because I’ve spent the past, oh, 15 hours trying to get this to work properly in the past two days and I’m now exhausted and tired and stressed out and fed up.

I don’t really believe my Host that it was just some simple Facebook thing (Facebook and Twitter have nothing to do with each other and links are not working properly for either) and if by tomorrow it’s not fixed I might look into paying someone to look at why. There’s really little point to a wrestling website where I can’t properly link people to the content.

That said, I’m glad the website is public and once this is resolved I’ll get everything back on course. It’s really hard to get into a creative space when you’re dealing with a website that isn’t working properly for you. Sorry about that.

In the meantime still create an account and once content starts getting created feel free to subscribe. I don’t really want to ask too many people to pay for a website that’s not working properly. In the current state it’s less a website and more of a tomb until I can actually share content from it properly.

Thank you for all of the support. NOBODY SAID IT WOULD BE EEAAASSYYY wait is that a Coldplay song? Cut that.

“We pretend in the darkness
We pretend the night won’t steal our youth
Singing me the sweet songs of seduction
Let me be the fool, fool, fool
Who will live and die for you”
– belgrade by battle tapes


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